Tapio Lehtinen is a lifetime sailor and
keenly in love with the Oceans of the World.
Tapio’s first circumnavigation took place in 1981, as he participated in the Whitbread Round the World Race as the watch captain onboard Skopbank of Finland. The second round was the Golden Globe Race 2018, in which he finished 5th. Thousands of barnacles stuck to the bottom of his boat made the journey arduous. Still, with the true Finnish spirit, Tapio sailed and crossed the finish line and became the first Finn to have raced single-handed nonstop around the world.
It’s fair to say the first GGR competition left Tapio with a bone to pick with the barnacles. He wanted to give himself and her beloved Asteria boat another chance, and in September 2022, he started the Golden Globe Race 2022, ready to fight for victory seriously. Everything was going smoothly, and Tapio was sailing second in the race. But then, on Friday, 18th November 2022, dramatic news reached us: Asteria had suddenly sunk. Tapio spent about a day on the life raft, after which his fellow competitor Kirsten Neuschäfer rescued him to her boat. From Kirsten’s boat, Tapio boarded the cargo ship Darya Gayatri, which took him to Indonesia and finally back home.
However, the next race is waiting right around the corner: Ocean Globe Race 2023 is the 50th-anniversary race of Whitbread, which was first sailed in 1973. Like the GGR, the OGR is sailed with traditional boats and methods. For this race, Tapio has gathered a group of next-generation ocean sailors. Their boat is a classic Swan 55 yawl, Galiana, which the team is currently preparing for the round-the-world sailing that will start in September 2023.
On my voyages around the world, I have witnessed firsthand how nature has changed. The biodiversity has narrowed and continues to do so; there are fewer birds, fewer fish, fewer sea mammals. All the trash in the sea and the smog above the shipping routes are giving a strong signal.
As someone who loves nature and the sea, and also speaking as a grandfather, I want to take action to preserve this beautiful planet for generations to come. In my future projects, I want to work in cooperation with companies and organizations that are part of the solution, not part of the problem. I want to promote innovations, concrete solutions, and ways as to what we can do, to keep our planet clean, diverse, and viable.
We still have time to put it right!
The Call of the Ocean is a documentary film about
Tapio's first Golden Globe Race in 2018-19
Don McIntyre talks about Tapio's coming projects
"Tapion Aava" is a short film that sheds light on the man behind sailing.
Tapio's Book is Available Now!
Last year, when I was in Panama, Tapio Lehtinen asked if I would help him with this book, mainly smoothing out his English. I was honored to be asked, and soon I was not only editing, but converting third-person past tense to first person present tense. Then I asked for his ship's logs and started adding to the story, doubling its length. I was engrossed in the writing at this point, and felt like I was sailing around the world in the Southern Ocean, alone in a 36' boat, but handling the cold and violent seas like a seasoned veteran of the ocean. This is how I hope you will feel when you read it.
– Paul Trammell
Hear the full story from the man himself!
Tapio is an inspiring speaker for your event.
A successful career as an Industrial Engineer with experience in strategic planning and leading teams in various organisations. Life-long sailor with two circumnavigations done and two more planned. He’s been around, so to speak. With respect to the current state of the world, Tapio sure knows something about being remote, alone, and isolated.
Always be prepared for the worst. Be scared beforehand, so that you don’t have to be when the going gets tough. Trusting your team, sharing common goals, adapting to new challenges, and finally making your dreams a reality. These are just some of the themes Tapio will be touching on. Not to forget his first-hand experience on the global state of the environment. Tapio has devoted his future to the future of our common planet.
The presentation can be delivered in English, Finnish, or Swedish.
Contact: tapio.a.lehtinen@gmail.com, +358 40 049 5678
Tapio participated in our corporate event in the Nuuksio National Park in the middle of the corona year. The theme was "Encountering", and Tapio's attendance led us wonderfully to the right mood. The stunning story about sailing alone around the world, and the importance of nature for the lives of us all, as well as Tapio’s delicate way to be present, really inspired the participants. The positive feedback was enormous.
Linda Capelletti / Sherpa
Tapio’s touching introduction to the passion for sailing, dreams, and overcoming adversity was a fantastic beginning and tune-up into our staff’s strategy day. I warmly recommend Tapio!
Kirsi Paakkari, Kalevala Koru
The mythical sea, wild nature, and man - Tapio's vivid description of a unique sea voyage was both amusing and touching. Exactly the right kind of kick-off for our company's inspiration days!
Yrjö Nieminen, Vallilan Vaara oy
Thank you Rauman Purjehdusseura for a great Rauma Sea Race! Great hospitality and fantastic organizing team. Our result (14./16) gives a good reason to try again in 2026:). Now time to return to Helsinki, ETA Tue evening. Photos RPS, Jenni Koskinen, Sampo Valjus. ... See MoreSee Less
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Kiitos, thank you & Bon voyage! #TapioLehtinenSailing
Hyvää huomenta sinulle
Here we go again, start of the Rauma Sea Race. No wind at the start made it a chasing start for our fat old lady:). ... See MoreSee Less
Not perhaps ideal winds for Galiana, but Summer is still here! Good luck!
Fair winds! ⛵
Onko mitään trackeriä , mistä seurata kisaa.. 🤔👌👍
Toivotaan friskaantuvaa tuulta matkalle ⛵️
At Rauman Pursiseura, ready for the Rauma Sea Race starting tomorrow. My roots from my late father Jukka's side are from Rauma. I visited the old graveyard where my great grandparents Aina and Frans and grandparents Hilma and Kaino together with my great uncle and aunt Alli and Arvo are resting. I also visited the haunted Villa Salmela of Alli & Arvo at the western tip of Petäjäs, where I spent part of my childhood summers until active dinghy racing took over. Memory lanes...
I am proud to have salty Rauma blood in my veins - my dad taught me in my childhood:"Muist raumlaine, snu isäs ja äitis o meri..." (remember, you from Rauma, your father and mother is the sea)❤️
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Interesting reading. And not only classic sailing yachts are beautiful, that goes for old wooden villas aswell, what an athmosphere!
"Mies voi lähteä Raumalta , mutta Rauma ei miehestä ! " 🎵 Hiiluvee, Haaluvee 🎶 Luannikast reissuu ja kisaa !👍⛵️
”…ja snu suonissas virta ain suolane veri”
Tsemiä! Spurs.
Kyl Raum o ain Raum! Pakoputken sulkuventtiili irrotettu, purettu atomeiksi, koneistettu Rauman Konepaja Oy:n toimesta ja asennettu takaisin paikoilleen, projektin johto ja pro bono toteutus hall.pj. Seppo Stenvall. Kone toimii taas:) KIITOS! ... See MoreSee Less
Hei, jos muuta apua tarvitaan asun kaksi niemeä etelään Kuuskarista ja mulla auto etc. niin ja tervetuloa Merenkulkuoppilaitokselle tutustumaan myös, jos aikaa liikenee - olin ihan varma, että olette koko joukkue Hkissä ennen ens viikonlopun kisaa
Hienoa että saatiin kuntoon! Ihan vaan mielleyhtymänä tulee mieleen kysymys: toimivatko Galianan toilettiputket pitkän purjehduksen aikana? Useammassa kuin yhdessä purjehdustarinassa tulee nimittäin vastaan, että vessa meni merellä tukkoon. Olen sen itsekin merillä kokenut ja ihmetellyt, miten tämä osa tekniikasta voi olla niin vaikeaa. Hyvät voinnit kaikille!
Hyvä uutinen! Vaikka komeasti sujui rantautuminen purjeillakin myöhään eilen 💪
Hyvä Sepe, eläkeikäiset osaa ⛵
Tsemiä kaikille! Spurs.
Delivery from Helsinki to Rauma Fri 6pm - Sun 10pm. Entering the narrow Ströömi strait we realized that the exhaust valve could not be opened so we beat the Ströömi 1/4 way up and spent the night at anchor. Early morning today anchors aweigh, sails up and a day of 128 tacks, first through Ströömi and then the very rough open sea passage west of Isokari to Kylmäpihlaja and Rauma for a very nice welcome and warm sauna at RPS. Thank you for your sisu, perseverance and sick sense of humour Alexandra, Elina, Pia, Harri, Joao, Kaspar, Oskari, Santeri and Toivo, an early autumn passage to be cherished:). ... See MoreSee Less
The yellow dot in the bow is Harri Vihriälä adjusting the yankee leech line
Good to have you safely in Rauma!
Tervetuloa Tapio ja muu Galiana WithSecuren väki!
Great sailing, btw what Navigation app you are using?
How long were your tacks on average? Mile or two?
Looks tiring. Glad I didn't do it in my boat, it would have been 250 tacks. 🙃
Ei helkris, me olla Riigapuhtis! 😂
Hard way is the best way, afterwards. 🙏❤️
Herras miehet ei kryssi, sanoi vanha matkapurjehtia Pertti Duncker, mutta te nykyist herrasmiehet ja naiset kryssitte👍 varmasti hieno leg💪. Terveiset Svalbar kierrokselta Tromså⛵️🇫🇮
Huumoria ja varsinkin sitä sairasta huumorintajua , sille on käyttöä monessa tapauksessa ja tilanteessa , koetan tuottaa sitä edelleen - on ollut käyttöä , olen huomannut😌 🙄
Kiitos matkakuvauksesta Helsingistä Raumalle!
Muistaakseni Kylmapihlaja, ei … pihlava 😎
Varmasti ollut vastavirtakin ströömin suntissa tuulen lisäksi.
Lämpimäst tervtulemast 💙💛💙
Klassinen "souwesteri" ei skulannut tällä kertaa. 👍🥲
Nuori poika laitettu opettelemaan keulaan! Julmakippari ?
Ja Ströömin jälkeen Vartiolaiva Tursas
Ok, another good weekend read:).
Btw, regards from Gullkrona fjärden, one of the most beautiful spots of the Finnish archipelago. Left Helsinki yesterday evening and have sailed or motored through the night on our way to Rauma. Will sail in the 50th Rauma Sea Race next weekend. Seems that I am specializing in races sailed first time in late 60s or early 70s. Was that the golden era of offshore racing?
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Oldest Ocean Globe Race Boat: Olin Stephens' Galiana
The oldest boat in the current Ocean Globe race, Galiana, is the last Olin Stephens yawl designed for RORC/CCA, starting with Dorade in 1930.